<? ?> tags not working in php 5.3.1
I just installed php 5.3.1 in server and now my old work which I used to write with <? ?> tags is not working at all..
WAMP Server
- Click on the wampserver tray icon.
- Go to PHP. Then PHP Settings
- Click short open tag. (When it's on it will have a checkmark next to it.)
If you are using xampp in windows then please do following
- Open XAMPP control panel.
- Click on CONFIG button.
- Go to PHP (php.ini) option.
Find short_open_tag using ctrl+f utility
You will found ;short_open_tag
kindly remove the semicolon (;) from line.
and keep it as short_open_tag = on
Finally, restart your Apache server
If you use wamp or xamp or iis 7 -> php manger , it's really easy to activate them. Just click on icon->php server->setting->allow short tag open
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