Friday, September 16, 2011

jQuery - wrap( html ) Method(before method adds unexpected close tags)


I have a table in my markup on which I want to add some divs before and efter like this:
<div class="widebox">
<div class="widebox-header">Opret/rediger bruger</div>
<div class="widebox-middle">
<table id="Table3"></table>
<div class="widebox-bottom"></div>
I'm trying to do this with jQuery, like this:
$('#Table3').before('<div class="widebox"><div class="widebox-header">Opret/rediger bruger</div><div class="widebox-middle">');
$('#Table3').after('</div><div class="widebox-bottom"></div></div>');
However this is what renders out, the method seems to close my opening divs:
<div class="widebox">
    <div class="widebox-header">Opret/rediger bruger</div>
    <div class="widebox-middle"></div></div><!-- unexpected close divs -->
    <table id="Table3"></table>
<div class="widebox-bottom"></div>

I have a table in my markup on which I want to add some divs before and efter like this:
<div class="widebox">
<div class="widebox-header">Opret/rediger bruger</div>
<div class="widebox-middle">
<table id="Table3"></table>
<div class="widebox-bottom"></div>
I'm trying to do this with jQuery, like this:
$('#Table3').before('<div class="widebox"><div class="widebox-header">Opret/rediger bruger</div><div class="widebox-middle">');
$('#Table3').after('</div><div class="widebox-bottom"></div></div>');
However this is what renders out, the method seems to close my opening divs:
<div class="widebox">
    <div class="widebox-header">Opret/rediger bruger</div>
    <div class="widebox-middle"></div></div><!-- unexpected close divs -->
    <table id="Table3"></table>
<div class="widebox-bottom"></div>


.before() and .after() insert elements, not strings. An unclosed <div> is not a complete element, so it's automatically closed. What you want is to use the .wrap() function to wrap your new<div> around the table. E.g.:
$('#Table3').wrap('<div class="widebox-middle" />');


The .before and .after methods need to describe a fully defined part of the DOM tree - that is, each call must contain both opening and closing tags - these methods add elements, not raw html, so any malformed/incomplete html you pass in with any one statement will be converted to something valid...
Check out the .wrap() method - this is what you need

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