Saturday, September 17, 2011

What is PhoneGap & Why PhoneGap:-

Many of the iPhone developers preferred to develop their iPhone apps using Objective-C PL. We can use those apps only on iPhone.
Then, what about launching iPhone app on Android mobile?. Is it possible of running iphone app on other platform.
For this, we should go for some other Alternative. Here comes the concept of PhoneGap.

>> PhoneGap is an open-source, cross-platform mobile application framework for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian, Palm OS..
>> PhoneGap developed by Nitobi group,with the use of HTML, JavaScript & CSS to develop an application.
>> PhoneGap mechanism is, making Web application into your native mobile application.

Being iPhone developer, i could let you know in my scenario. After Phonegap installation on Mac, start PhoneGap-based application,
Add the respective html, js files of your webApp into XCode application. Run it to see the output in Simulator.

To have complete documentation for PhoneGap, go to

And also, we have several tools with PhoneGap, which are:-
(a) PhoneGap simulator(cross-platform)
(b) XUI :- JavaScript framework for mobile device browsers
( c) Lawnchair:- It is a clent-side JSON store
(d) Easy APNS :- Push notifications using Php & MySQL
(e) Sony WebSDK:- To make mobile applications to work on multiple devices
(f) Urban Airship :-It offers services like: Push notifications, Air Mail, In-App purchase. 

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