Saturday, September 10, 2011

Visual Basic perf fixes to issues with large VS2005 solutions / projects

Hotfix information:

1.You may experience performance issues when you use solutions that contain large Visual Basic projects in Visual Studio 2005.
2.You may experience slow performance when you work with a Visual Basic solution that contains many projects in Visual Studio 2005.


The Visual Basic team has released two KB articles that provide information on hotfixes that address performance issues which may occur on large solutions and projects in VS2005.  If you are using Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2005, and you are seeing any of the symptoms I list below, I encourage you to call Microsoft Support and see if these hotfixes address them.
The contact information for Microsoft Support is at:
Here is a list of symptoms which these fixes address:
When you develop a Microsoft Visual Basic solution that contains large projects in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, you may experience the following performance issues in the Visual Studio 2005 IDE:
  • It takes longer to build and to rebuild the solution.
  • You experience a slow response time when you press F5 to start debugging.
  • You experience a slow response time when you perform symbolic renaming.
  • CPU utilization may increase to more than 50 percent during the renaming process.
  • You experience slow response time in the Code Editor You experience slow response time in IntelliSense.
  • Virtual memory consumption by Visual Studio 2005 is increased compared with earlier versions of Visual Studio.
When you work with a Microsoft Visual Basic solution that contains many projects in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, you may experience the following performance issues in the Visual Studio 2005 IDE:
  • You experience a slow response time when you use single-step debugging. For example, the response time is slow when you press F10 to step into a line of code.
  • You experience a slow response time when the Error List or the Task List is updated by Visual Studio 2005.
  • You experience a slow response time when you use the IntelliSense feature.

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